Mission, objective, and goal

Strategic vision

The strategic vision of our bank is to be a bank with stable growth and development, as well as high-quality and fast service to our clients in the financial sector, with a solid reputation and stable financial strength.

The main strategy of the Bank:

  • Quality service
  • Utility
  • Professionalism

Our mission

  • Strengthening and development of innovative universal banking status using new technologies;
  • Increase the number of customers and ensure customer satisfaction;
  • Provide customers with affordable and high-quality banking services;
  • Work more efficiently in universal banking;
  • Strengthen and develop key financial indicators of the Bank;
  • Ensure improvement in the quantity and quality of correspondent accounts;
  • Play an important role in the development of non-cash bank payments in Azerbaijan with the help of credit, debit cards;

Our strategic goals

  • Preparation of individual service packages for target sectors, conducting industry campaigns;
  • Introduction of new products and services, adaptation and improvement of existing products and services to better meet the needs and desires of our customers;
  • Expansion of electronic banking services;
  • Maintaining the position of the financial market and improving the Bank`s image.


The Bank`s dividend policy

The dividend on ordinary shares is the calculated part of the Bank's net profit for shareholders in proportion to the number of shares owned by them. The net profit of the Bank arises after the payment of taxes and other obligatory payments and is directed to the solution of issues determined by the Law and the Charter. Net profit is distributed according to the decision of the General Assembly of shareholders of the Bank. The issuance of dividends does not adversely affect the financial stability of the Bank, and there are no restrictions in this area in the legislation. The Bank may pay interim (quarterly, semi-annual) and annual dividends. Obligations of the Bank to pay dividends arise from the date of the decision to pay them. When calculating dividends, the amount of each share of each type and nominal share should be the same. The Bank may also direct the approved profit to increase the nominal value of shares based on a decision taken by the General Assembly of Shareholders.

Hörmətli istifadəçi

Azərbaycan Respublikasında fiziki şəxslərin problemli kreditlərinin həlli ilə bağlı əlavə tədbirlər haqqında Azərbaycan Respublikası Prezidentinin Fərmanına uyğun olaraq, fiziki şəxslərin xarici valyutada əsas kredit borclarının devalvasiya ilə bağlı manatla artmış hissəsi ilə əlaqədar Maliyyə Bazarlarına Nəzarət Palatası tərəfindən hazırlanmış güzəşt kalkulyatoru

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