Open a current account

Resident legal entities of the Republic of Azerbaijan are required to provide the following documents for opening a current account:

  1. Application for account opening (provided by the bank);
  2. A notarized copy of the legal entity’s charter, except when it is obtained through the electronic information system of the relevant registration authorities;
  3. Notarized copy of the excerpt from the state register of legal entities (reflecting the latest amendments), except when it is obtained through the electronic information system of the relevant registration authorities;
  4. The duplicate certificate- issued by the relevant tax authority (valid for 10 days from the date of issuance for each account).
  5. Notarized signature and seal samples sheet (signature sample sheet is issued by the bank) - 1 copy
  6. A copy of the order issued by the head of the enterprise on the appointment of the authorized signatories (with a stamped original and the words "true copy of the original"). If the legal representative and founder of the legal entity is the same person, the order of appointment of that person to the position is not required.
  7. Contract for account opening(provided by the bank)
  8. Copies of the IDs of the authorized persons;
  9. For identification of beneficiary owners - excerpt from the state register of legal entities and a document confirming the identity of individuals.
  10. Copy ​​of the certificate of state registration of taxpayer (a document confirming TIN) issued by the tax authority;
  11. FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) (provided by the bank).

Note **: Excerpt from the state register of legal entities is issued to commercial legal entities, branches and representative offices of foreign commercial legal entities by the Ministry of Taxes of the Republic of Azerbaijan; to non-profit legal entities, educational establishments by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan; and to the religious organizations by the State Committee for Work with the Religious Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Documents on state registration of the persons registered with the relevant executive authorities by October 1, 1992 and with the following authorities by June 1, 1996 have the same legal force as the registration documents issued by the Ministry of Justice:

  1. Insurance Organizations - State Insurance Supervision under the Cabinet of Ministers; banks - with the Central Bank;
  2. Educational establishments - with the Cabinet of Ministers and the Ministry of Education;
  3. Leasing companies, housing construction cooperatives and peasant farms – with the local executive authorities;
  4. Mass media - with the Ministry of Press and Information;
  5. Enterprises with joint and full foreign investments - with the Ministry of Finance;
  6. Branches and representative offices of foreign legal entities - with the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations.


The following documents are required from the branches, representative offices and other divisions of legal entities of the Republic of Azerbaijan to open a current account:

  1. Application for account opening (provided by the bank);
  2. A notarized copy of the excerpt from the state register of legal entities (reflecting the latest amendments), except for cases when it is obtained through the electronic information system of the relevant registration authorities;
  3. A notarized copy of the statute of the branch or representative office, approved by the legal entity, except when it is obtained through the electronic information system of the relevant registration authorities (a document confirming the statute of the entities acting based on the standard statute is required);
  4. A copy of the Certificate of state registration (VAT-certified document) issued by the tax authority;
  5. The duplicate certificate issued by the relevant tax authority.
  6. A notarized signature and seal samples sheet (signature sample sheet is issued by the bank) - 1 copy
  7. Identification of beneficiary owners - excerpt from the state register of legal entities, document confirming the identity of individuals.
  8. A copy of the order issued by the head of the enterprise on the appointment of the authorized signatories (with stamped original and the words "true copy of the original"). If the legal representative and founder of the legal entity is the same person, the order of appointment of that person to the position is not required.
  9. FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) (provided by the bank).
  10. 10.Contract for account opening (provided by the bank)


The following documents are required from the state authorities and municipalities to open a current account:

  1. Application for account opening (provided by the bank);
  2. A letter of permission from the State Treasury Agency under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Azerbaijan for opening bank accounts to organizations financed from the state budget and the budget of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic;
  3. The text of the legal act included in the State Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Azerbaijan on approval of the Charter of the municipality;
  4. A notarized copy of the charter of the legal entity, except when it is obtained through the electronic information system of the relevant registration authorities;
  5. The relevant act confirming the charter (statute) of the state authority (entity) operating based on the statute (regulation) approved by the act of the relevant state authority;
  6. A notarized copy of the excerpt from the state register of legal entities (reflecting the latest amendments), except when it is obtained through the electronic information system of the relevant registration authorities;
  7. A copy of the Certificate of state registration of the legal entity (VAT-certified document) issued by the tax authority;
  8. The duplicate certificate issued by the relevant tax authority.
  9. A notarized signature and seal samples sheet (signature sample sheet is issued by the bank) - 1 copy
  10. 10.Identification of beneficiary owners - excerpt from the state register of legal entities, document confirming the identity of individuals.
  11. 11.A copy of the order issued by the head of the enterprise on the appointment of the authorized signatories (with stamped original and the words "true copy of the original"). If the legal representative and founder of the legal entity is the same person, the order of appointment of that person to the position is not required.

For non-resident legal entities, for branches and representative offices of legal entities in the Republic of Azerbaijan:

  1. Application for account opening (provided by the bank);
  2. A notarized copy of the registration of branches and representative offices of foreign legal entities in the Republic of Azerbaijan(with the latest amendments), except when it is obtained  through electronic information system  of relevant registration authorities (when the account is opened for branches and representative offices of foreign legal entities); 
  3. A notarized copy of statute of branches and representative offices of foreign legal entities approved by the legislation, except when it is obtained through electronic information system of relevant registration authorities (when the account is opened for branches and representative offices of foreign legal entities);
  4. Unless otherwise provided by international treaties to which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party, copies of constituent and registration documents of non-resident legal entity legalized in the manner prescribed by law and its notarized translation into Azerbaijani (if the account is opened for foreign legal entity);
  5. The duplicate certificate issued by the relevant tax authority (for accounts opened for entrepreneurial activity).
  6. A notarized signature and seal samples sheet (signature sample sheet is issued by the bank) - 1 copy
  7. Special permit from the relevant foreign state authority (authority for supervision over the financial markets or other state body) to open an account (legalized in accordance with the legislation and notarized copy of its translation into Azerbaijani), if provided for by international treaties to which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party;
  8. Identification of beneficiary owners - constituent and registration documents of non-resident legal entities, excerpt from the state register of the branches and representative offices of the foreign legal entities in the Republic of Azerbaijan, a document confirming the identity of individuals.
  9. A copy of the order issued by the head of the enterprise on the appointment of the authorized signatories (with stamped original and the words "true copy of the original"). If the legal representative and founder of the legal entity is the same person, the order of appointment of that person to the position is not required.
  10. 10.FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) (provided by the bank).
  11. Contract for account opening (provided by the bank)


The following documents are required to open a current account to the first trade union organization:

  1. Application for account opening (provided by the bank);
  2. Decision or extract from the decision to establish the first trade union organization;
  3. A notarized copy of the Charter of the trade union, to which is it is a member, except for the cases when the relevant registration authorities have obtained it through an electronic information system;
  4. A notarized signature and seal samples sheet (signature sample sheet is issued by the bank) - 1 copy 
  5. The duplicate certificate issued by the relevant tax authority.
  6. FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) (provided by the bank).
  7. Contract for account opening (provided by the bank)


The following documents are required to open a current account to the family farm: 

  1. Application for account opening (provided by the bank);
  2. A notarized copy of the certificate issued by the municipality which is registered on the relevant territory, except when the registration certificate is obtained through the electronic information system of the relevant registration authorities;
  3. Identity document of the head of the family farm;
  4. The duplicate certificate issued by the relevant tax authority. 
  5. Notarized signature and seal samples sheet (signature sample sheet is issued by the bank) - 1 copy 
  6. FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) (provided by the bank).
  7. Contract for account opening (provided by the bank)

Official representative offices are required to provide the following documents to open bank accounts:

  1. Application for account opening (provided by the bank);
  2. Document confirming the status of foreign diplomatic or other official representative office (copy translated into Azerbaijani and notarized);
  3. A notarized signature and seal samples sheet (signature sample sheet is issued by the bank) - 1 copy 
  4. FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) (provided by the bank).
  5. Contract for account opening (provided by the bank)





Hörmətli istifadəçi

Azərbaycan Respublikasında fiziki şəxslərin problemli kreditlərinin həlli ilə bağlı əlavə tədbirlər haqqında Azərbaycan Respublikası Prezidentinin Fərmanına uyğun olaraq, fiziki şəxslərin xarici valyutada əsas kredit borclarının devalvasiya ilə bağlı manatla artmış hissəsi ilə əlaqədar Maliyyə Bazarlarına Nəzarət Palatası tərəfindən hazırlanmış güzəşt kalkulyatoru

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