“Premium Bank” commissions e-PIN service

29 July 2020

Gaining traction with electronic services, OJSC Premium Bank has successfully completed another project, from now on, customers are enabled to change the card PIN online by using webpage and the Bank’s ATMs.

By way of contrast, previously customers could only change the PIN they have forgotten by using POS-terminals in the Bank’s branch offices and subdivisions thereof.

Now, customers may change the PIN by entering “e-PİN” section of the official webpage or bank’s ATMs, hence providing complete security of operations. It both saves your time and guarantees you will not forget your PIN in the future. The service fee is charged according to the bank's tariffs: https://www.premiumbank.az/az/for-life/miles-kartlar/tariffs-card-1/

To read the service guidelines, please, click the link: https://www.premiumbank.az/az/for-life/premium-24-7/epin/

For detailed information on the Bank’s products and services, please visit the webpage www.premiumbank.az or the Bank’s official page on Facebook www.fb.com/premiumbank.az, or contact our call centre by dialling (012) 931.

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