Premium Bank Receive Mastercard Award.

11 December 2019

On December 10, 2019, the international payment system Mastercard held an award ceremony at JW Marriott Absheron Baku.

Premium Bank was awarded a special certificate as a top promoter of Mastercard World Black Edition cards. It is noteworthy that our bank has achieved such great results in a very short time. We thank any and all our customers who have helped us win this award!

We would like to remind that back in 2018, Premium Bank jointly with AZAL and Mastercard issued the Mastercard Black Edition Miles cobrand premium card. This was the seventh Miles card of the bank. The Mastercard Black Edition Miles card features a glossy design, speedy accrual of miles, innovative solutions, and a unique set of privileges available in any city around the world. This card is ideal for people who prefer the highest level of comfort and travel a lot. Cards are issued for 2 and 3 year duration. The card currency can be AZN, USD or EUR at a client's choice.

You can order a Mastercard World Black Edition card online at: cards/mastercard-black-edition-miles/

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